Our Product

Our Typical Product

Our product includes ~ 10-15 daily reports, or as needed/requested, with data, geological narrative, projections based on pre-drill geological parameters and offset well architecture, recommendations, graphs of TVD vs VS, TVD vs MD with MD Log, SES Correlation of TVD log compared to Control Well, and SES cross-sections with formations, mud log total gas log, and ROP log. Final report includes these with a ‘Summary of Geology and Geosteering’ and frequently some comparison with offset horizontal wells. We also send an Excel spreadsheet with MD, VS, tops, and subsea data that you may want to use when planning your fracturing program and updating structure maps. These can also be sent daily or periodically to update structure maps as you go. We can also include an SES export file. I typically use a plotting program (D-Plot) for plotting the graphs. Excel can also be used for this. SES can be used for this as well but is tied to the exact log correlation so loses a bit of accuracy if there are some differences relative to the control well, as is typical. We can tailor our reporting formats to suit your needs.  

We communicate and coordinate frequently with drilling management, geological staff, drilling consultants, directional drillers, MWD personnel, and mudloggers. We typically pay attention to Pason (or other WITS) to monitor dip changes, ROP changes, gas, and gamma changes in real time.

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